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Tuesday, October 7, 2008 ♥

hmmm ,
well , this class blogg is really really very dead ...
ohhkayys , tomorrow will be our last exam ...
ART !! haiya , just draw can liao ...
good luck anw ...
well , let me post our class photo yea ...
formal wan only : D

(press on the image to zoom in :])

ohhkayys , must thank me for updatingg && put class photo yea ... haha : D
&& spammers just SHOOO larhhs ...
nthgg better to do ?! =X

well , endingg post ... good luck everyone :]

Lollipop is

Wednesday, August 6, 2008 ♥

Omg? The class blog is freaking dead. Okay okay. Time for updates.

Today was Cross Country.
Mariah got in as 4th girl, Sabran as 3rd boy and Rifqi as 4th boy.

Good job guys. I know you can do it.
For the rest, at least you tried your best right? We'll do better next year.

And a round of applause for Cougars as they walked away as the winners.
Anyway, please remember to bring the Cyber Wellness Forms for Sabran, Aiman, Kevan, Benjamin and for the rest too.

And please remember thay theres school tmr. So ya tmr.(:

Lollipop is

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 ♥

aiyo... 2dae dhe maths remedial horhhx... alot ppl nvr cum horhhx... die liao... orhhx horhhx... actually oso nthqq will happen wann bahhx... wakakakaka... if wann chanqe anytink,jux qif suggestions nn write it on dhe taqqbox... xD have funn in ur holidaes. C'yahh SOOooooonnn... xP


Lollipop is

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 ♥

Home Teacher: Mrs Linda Boy

Co-Home Teacher: Ms Siti Mirna

Chairman: Muhd. Illmuddeen

Vice Chairman(Discipline): Nur Syafa'at
Discipline I/Cs: Lee Jiayu
Kevan Lim
Muhd Sabran

Vice Chairman(Pastoral): Muhd Sabran
NE Reps: Hui Wen
Pei Yuan

Environment Reps: Alex

Treasurer/Secretary: Muhd Amiryl

I think that's of all... If your name is not in it, please tell me...

Lollipop is

Hello! Trying to keep this blog updated. Sorry but im feeling soo lazy to update.
Ive got nothing else better to do so im updating this blog for a favour as well.

And to jj (Jing Jie), erm hes the sucker to actually want to spam the class blog.
He must never looked in the mirror and see the real sucker is. He is also showing his reatarded-ness over the web. Well, thats his problem. =).

Anyway, its 2 weeks to school reopen. See you guys soon! =)

Lollipop is

Sunday, June 8, 2008 ♥

Erm, to spammers. Firstly, i would like to say that we, as a class, have no time to entertain losers like you. So theres no point of spamming. Cause we just dont give a damn. You may start claiming this and that, but do you have prove for it? Your just a loser like those other spammers so your comment is just like an ant to us.

And you claim that we suck. How about looking in the mirror and see who is the sucker, who is so damn lame to actually to go to a class blog and start insulting the class. Man, you must be pretty dumb to do that. There is always such thing as going to cbox web and ban you from tagging. Its that simple.

And spamming our class blog, what difference does that make? Are we gonna change cause a spammer like you claims that we suck? Apparently, that aint gonna happen. So stop spamming cause nothing will change. Expect for the fact that theres some dumb people like you to actually spam a class blog.

Secondly, I changed the tag board so that it wont be polluted with your crap there. And i've not ban you yet so if you ever dare to insult, you may never get to insult the class using that very computer that you used. Seriously, its that simple. Ban you from posting anything. So try changing.

Thirdly, IF you ever happen to be a 1a1 student. Im gonna kill you. You dont like the class, just say so. Theres not a need for spamming the class blog and show that your really gutless to even say your name. And it also shows your lameness over the web. And your gonna be such an embarrassment to us and yourself. So if any of you pupils of 1a1 DARE TO SPAM, im gonna kill the crap out of you. =)

Forthly, what is your purpose of spamming? What do you get? Relieved? Satisfaction? Well, then i must say, that your very easily satisfied.

Because all you do is bring people down, and when the evidence shows that no such thing, you hide behind that pathetic computer screen of yours and think of other nickname to tag her and the whole vicious cycle starts all over again. I wish you to try harder in bringing the class down.

To the class: The spammers happen to be different people. The IP address is different. So this means that this person is smarter than we thought. But anyways, we can ban all the users. And please, your choices of songs doesnt even suit our class man. And who is the TECHNO FREAK who suggested techno songs for the class blog? =.=. No offence but did you think of other people who doesnt really like techno, like me? Somehow. So, im gonna post this song : Time of my life By David Cook. Its temporally. =) Ohh and if you wanna do it yourself, banning the spammers, ask the username and password from me. Id give it to you. Thanks. =)


Lollipop is

Saturday, June 7, 2008 ♥

heyyheyy...huiwenn here..xD...arlo...aiyo sryy i rite in short form lehhx...ps horhhx...i use to it liao...sryy...hmmm...well anyy suggestions 4 sonqqs mahhx??nn horhhx MUST link dhe class bloqq horhhx...it is a must!!anw have funn in this holidaes worhhx...althouqht it kept raininqq arhhx...hahas...hope 2 c euu all asap worhhx...xD....bye...


Lollipop is


} http://insane-people-speaking.blogspot.com/ {
Heyy!!We are the 1a1s.Everyone is welcome in here except spammers and people who don't like us.
If you don't like us,click here and buzzed off and don't ever come back
This is 1A1's Class Blog, do follow the 3 GOLDEN rules: 1) NO VULGARITIES 2) NO SPAMMING 3) NO RIPPING

Hey, this is the P.K. Match for the custody of the grand finals. Your favourite teacher will be placed in the grand finals,fighting the custody for the champion. SEMI FINALS MATCH: Mr. Tai - 48% Ms. Siti- 18% Mrs Boy and Mdm Haijar - 17%. Who's name will appear in the grand finals??? It's in your hand...
Create your own Friend Test here

1A1 Class Quiz-Recommanded for people who don't really know 1A1.
Hint: Read through the class blog. The answers can be found in it.

Hey!We are from PRSS 1a1.
Home Teacher: Mrs Linda Boy
Co-Home Teacher: Ms Siti Mirna
English: Mrs Linda Boy
E Maths: Ms Jeannie Wong & Mr Colin Lee
Science: Mrs Doris Chia
Chinese: Mdm Goh Sim Choo & Mdm Goh Shu Fen
Malay: Mr Salleh
Literature: Ms Sabryna Tay
Art & Crafts: Mr Rahim
Music: Mr Ng Hoon Hong
History: Mdm Haijar
ACE/ASSM: Mrs Linda Boy/Ms Siti Mirna
Design And Technology: Mr Nelson Lee
Home Economics: Ms Siti Mirna
Geography: Mdm Aisha/Mdm Haijar
Students: 01. Betty Tan Si Hui~she is a kind hearted girl and she is also generous.But always tio bullied.

02. Farah Insyirah Bte Suhairi~she is a funny and a stylish girl.Just know her more.

03. Foong Ying Ting~she is cute and lovely girl but she cares about what people think of her.

04. Maggie Low Mei Qi~she is easy going and fun friend to be with but once she cries you are in deep shit.

05. Marie Garcia~she is a funny girl,easygoing and hyper too.She loves jokes and loves to entertain people too.

06. Evangeline Ng Shuo Yu~she is cute and funny girl.She loves to cracks jokes and a great artist.

07. Nur Syafwani Bte Samad~she is cool and stylish girl but don't ever mess with her.

08. Nurazeera Bte Ibrahim~she is a quiet girl but actually she is fun and a great friend to be with.

09. Nurfarahin Mariah Bte Hamza~she is a funny and easygoing girl.She is hyper too a very good and cool friend to be with.

10. Tang Hui Wen~she is fun loving girl who is always very high at times.She loves to makes friends.

11. Aiman Haziq Bin Abdul Halim~he is cute and funny guy and sometimes he can get really angry

12. Bryce Tan Yu Ming~he is funny and hyper active guy.He temper is hyper good and loves to cracks jokes.

13. Alex Chan Yu Zhang~he is someone who cracks jokes and try to lighten things up.

14. Elson Lim Jun An~He is funny and loves to cracks jokes.

15. Jonas Gan Kian Hwee~He is funny and active guy althought he always get scolded by teacher but he will still be cheerful.

16. Joshua Rodriguez~he is a quiet guy but try to know more about him.

17. Koh Wei Xiang~he is a super quiet guy but he have lots of friends.

18. Lee Jia Yu~he is a responsible vice chairman and he helps teacher alots.

19. Lee Ming Shane~he is smart and so called'Mr wormwood' as he looks abit like.

20. Lim Han Wei~he is also a quiet guy but he is caring and helpful too.

21. Kevan Lim Jian Xiang~he has a loud voice and he is responsible for his role.

22. Low Guan Ying Benjamin~he always love to bully people and he end up tio scolded and always likes to be nosey and keep asking stupid questions when people is not talking to him.

23. Mohd Shafiq Haziq B M.S~he is hardworking and hand in his work in time althought he is quite but yet he is funny.

24. Mohamed Ilmuddeen~he is a responsible chairman who takes good care of the class.He is also funny and helpful.

25. Muhd Amiryl Haziq Bin S~he is funny and a great friend to be with.

26. Muhd Firdaus Bin Mohd T~He is funny and loves to crack jokes.

27. Muhd Iqbal Bin Sapi'i~he is hardworking and a easygoing guy.He is also funny too.

28. Muhd Sabran Bin Abdul Latiff~he is active and easygoing guy.He loves to sing and dance with his best friend.

29. Muhd Shafiq Harun~he is bright and hardworking.He loves to crack jokes too.

30. Muhd Sholihin Bin Nick Yusri~He is cheerful and easygoing.He always put on a smile

31. Muhd Syafiyuddin Bin Yusran~he is funny and loves to dance.He is hyper active too.

32. Muhd Yazid Bin Sadali~he is fun and a easygoing friend.He loves to crack jokes too.

33. Nazrul Izuan Bin Abdul Hadi~He is funny and he is very attentive to all lessons

34. Neo Hong Sheng~he is 'ah bang' type of guy but actually he is funny and active guy

35. Nicholas Shien Zong Yuan~he is funny and easygoing guy.

36. Nur Syafa'at Muhd bin M.S~he is a great friend to be with,he likes to cheers people too.He is also funny and hardworking.

37. Rifqi Danyal Bin Adzlee~He is hyper active and funny.He is great friend to be with as he entertains people well.

38. Sng Kwang Yong~He is a hyper quiet guy.But who knows??maybe he is a fun and active guy.

39. Tay Pei Yuan~He loves to talk alot with windon,maybe it is his hobby.

40. Tay Yi Leong Windon~He loves to sleep in class,maybe he thinks the lessons are boring?

OUR CCAs & Class List

01. Betty Tan Si Hui [RED CROSS]

02. Farah Insyirah Bte Suhairi [NPCC]

03. Foong Ying Ting [CHOIR]

04. Maggie Low Mei Qi [CHOIR]

05. Marie Garcia [NETBALL]

06. Evangeline Ng Shuo Yu[ART CLUB]

07. Nur Syafwani Bte Samad [NPCC]

08. Nurazeera Bte Ibrahim [RED CROSS]

09. Nurfarahin Mariah Bte Hamza [NETBALL]

10. Tang Hui Wen [NPCC]

11. Aiman Haziq Bin Abdul Halim [SOCCER]

12. Bryce Tan Yu Ming [SOCCER]

13. Alex Chan Yu Zhang [NPCC]

14. Elson Lim Jun An [BAND]

15. Jonas Gan Kian Hwee [VOLLEYBALL]

16. Joshua Rodriguez [BAND]

17. Koh Wei Xiang [TAEKWONDO]

18. Lee Jia Yu [INFOCOMM]

19. Lee Ming Shane [TAEKWONDO]

20. Lim Han Wei [NPCC]

21. Kevan Lim Jian Xiang [NPCC]

22. Low Guan Ying Benjamin [INFOCOMM]

23. Mohd Shafiq Haziq B M.S [NCC]

24. Mohamed Ilmuddeen [BAND]

25. Muhd Amiryl Haziq Bin S [NCC]

26. Muhd Firdaus Bin Mohd T [NCC]

27. Muhd Iqbal Bin Sapi'i [NCC]

28. Muhd Sabran Bin Abdul Latiff [SOCCER]

29. Muhd Shafiq Harun [NCC]

30. Muhd Sholihin Bin Nick Yusri [SOCCER]

31. Muhd Syafiyuddin Bin Yusran [NCC]

32. Muhd Yazid Bin Sadali [NCC]

33. Nazrul Izuan Bin Abdul Hadi [INFOCOMM]

34. Neo Hong Sheng [VOLLEYBALL]

35. Nicholas Shien Zong Yuan [BAND]

36. Nur Syafa'at Muhd bin M.S [INFOCOMM]

37. Rifqi Danyal Bin Adzlee [SOCCER]

38. Sng Kwang Yong [NPCC]

39. Tay Pei Yuan [NPCC]

40. Tay Yi Leong Windon [NPCC]


cbox recommended


~16th - Nicholas
~28th - Kevan

~ 14th - Pei Yuan
~ 20th - Farrah
~ 21th - Ying Ting

~ 14th - Sabran

~ 07th - Mariah
~ 11th - Jonas
~ 14th - Iqbal


~ 2nd - Nazrul
~ 29th - Bryce

~ 28th - Hui Wen
~ 24th - Syafaat
~ 28th - Marie

~3rd - Windon
~25th - Elson

~ 1st - Evangeline
~ 11th - Syah
~ 24th - Hongsheng
~ 27th - Shafiq Haziq
~ 30th - Kwang Yong

~ 8th - Jia Yu


Ying Ting


The Time Of My Life [STUDIO] - David Cook
We have made it so far.


May 2008
June 2008
August 2008
October 2008


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